Szilícium-karbid FGD szórófejek

Szilícium-karbid FGD szórófejek

Szilícium-karbid FGD szórófejek

Silicon Carbide (SiC) is an exceptionally hard refractory ceramic material composed of silica and carbon that has proven popular among refractories and corrosion resistant worldwide. our FGD silicon carbide nozzles for limestone wet desulfurization systems stand out with their uniform droplet distribution and smooth flow channel, free from any blocking phenomenon. Their corrosion, oxidation and high temperature resistance is impressive.

High Resistance to Corrosion

Silicon Carbide (SiC) ceramics are designed for superior chemical resistance, and can be formed into very complex shapes. SiC ceramics offer wide bandgap, good thermal conductivity, low coefficient of thermal expansion and high hardness – qualities which provide greater resistance against acid corrosion and oxidation than any other material.

SiC is widely utilized as the material of choice in wet FGD spray nozzles for flue gas desulphurization systems in power plants and large boilers due to its excellent resistance to acid corrosion, as it forms an oxide barrier on its surface that prevents direct reaction between substrate and attacking species, as well as replenishment by diffusion from an aqueous environment.

High Hardness

Silicon carbide nozzles with high hardness can withstand harsh environments with little risk of breaking, which helps avoid costly nozzle breaks due to pressure spikes during startup, attempts at unclogging plugged nozzles or normal maintenance activities such as chemical cleaning operations.

Sintered silicon carbide (SiC) is the premier ceramic alternative to tungsten carbide for blast nozzle applications due to its superior hardness. SiC’s durability also allows it to maintain internal geometry efficiently while limiting wear on blast nozzles for optimal efficiency and minimal wear.

Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide (RBSC/SiSiC) is a versatile refractory ceramic material which can be formed into beams, rollers, cooling air pipes, thermocouple protection tubes, temperature measuring tubes and other specialty-shaped structural parts. RBSC has excellent strength, hardness, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance and thermal shock resistance characteristics – making it one of the most sought-after refractory materials used in power generation and large boiler flue gas desulfurization systems.

High Temperature Resistance

Wear resistance of nozzles is the primary determining factor of their durability. Traditional materials for nozzles include ceramics, stainless steel, brass and polymers – with polymer being more resilient than ceramic but less hard than stainless steel and brass options. One way to increase wear resistance in polymers nozzles would be incorporating dispersed fillers.

Sintered Silicon Carbide is an excellent material choice for sealing faces in chemical pumps. It resists corrosion, abrasion, shock and is easy to machine for long service life and reliable performance with reduced sliding friction against different mating materials.

FGD spray nozzles are essential components in thermal power plants, large boilers and desulfurization equipment. Their applications span vortex type vortex type spiral type liquid column type hollow cone spray nozzles; with evenly dispersed spray droplets that flow smoothly without blocking in their flow channels; our company produces various kinds of FGD nozzles suitable for various uses.

High Strength

Sintered silicon carbide stands out with its superior strength and hardness, making it an excellent alternative to tungsten carbide for blast nozzles. Its resistance to erosion and corrosion make it suitable for FGD spray nozzle applications while its long lifespan reduces compressor requirements and downtime associated with replacement of blast nozzles.

we offer an extensive selection of FGD nozzles suitable for limestone wet flue gas desulfurization systems, including absorber spray nozzles, oxidation air nozzles and recycle slurry pumps. FGD nozzles are an integral component of any FGD system and if you want optimal performance they must last.

Nozzles made of abrasion-resistant ceramic materials are an ideal choice for FGD nozzles as they will protect against erosion and corrosion from fly ash slurry, have a higher modulus of rupture (MOR), and can handle the stress associated with frequent startup and shutdown cycles. Their MOR is typically five to seven times higher than other ceramic materials allowing RBSC nozzles to be cast into more complex shapes than SNBSC ones.

Long Life

Silicon Carbide ceramics are hard and resilient materials ideal for use in harsh environments. Their low thermal expansion means they can even be utilized at higher temperatures without increasing thermal expansion rates significantly, helping prevent vibration damage or failure caused by shock, shockwaves or temperature fluctuation fluctuations. Furthermore, these ceramics are resistant to acids and corrosion-causing chemicals as well as providing corrosion-protection against damage or failure caused by vibrations, shock or temperature fluctuation fluctuations. FGD nozzles must function reliably over extended periods in harsh environments, including high temperatures and corrosion found in coal-fired power plants. Selecting appropriate nozzles can ensure that your process runs optimally. Silicon Carbide nozzles outlive steel ones by being more resilient and long-wearing; thus saving money and downtime due to unscheduled maintenance costs. according to your application needs, various FGD nozzles are available for you to select from, including hollow cone, whirl tangential and X shape nozzles. Large free passage diameter of X shape nozzles allows less frequent clogging and maintenance while being structurally sound enough to withstand pressure spikes during startup or when cleaning out blocked nozzles.

Szilícium-karbid FGD szórófejek

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